
July 16th 2024

Please see below information in relation to the fee increase application for Aldwark Toll Bridge. The notice can also be viewed in the Easingwold Advertiser and the York Press on Thursday 18th July 2024.


Application Letter by Aldwark Toll Bridge LLP to raise tolls on the Aldwark Toll Bridge – 15.07.24(696020365.6)

Aldwark Bridge Toll Review Application – Appendix 1 – Inspector Heward’s Report and decision letter of Secretary of State(696021491.1)

Aldwark Bridge Toll Review Application – Appendix 2 – Accountancy Report (Hawsons)(696021494.1)

Aldwark Bridge Toll Review Application – Appendix 3 – Traffic and Transport Report (LTP)(696021495.2)

Aldwark Bridge Toll Review Application – Appendix 4 – Structural Engineering Report (Mason Clark)(696021497.1)

Aldwark Toll Bridge – Final Press Notification – Updated(696068940.1)


January 29th 2024


Dear All


We are now delighted to confirm that the Bridge will open on Sat 17th Feb.    We will have a formal opening on that day and will post the time in due course for anybody that would like to be part of the opening ceremony.


With very best regards

Aldwark Toll Bridge



January 2024

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year.

Some good news!

The Bridge has undergone extensive repairs and refurbishment which has included some structural repairs and a completely new deck. The stanchions have had underwater inspections by specialist divers and the total superstructure has been sandblasted to bear metal, primed and painted.

The work has had to be completed at precise temperatures, and within certain humidity levels, which has necessitated total encapsulation of the structure. A multitude of permits has also had to be issued from various bodies which have been issued and complied with.

The weather has slightly hampered the progress as have some technical issues, but we are progressing well and are now restoring the final section of the Bridge.

We anticipate reopening in late February / early March 2024 and will confirm the exact date nearer the time.

Ticket sales will recommence on Monday 5th February 2024.


Best wishes

Aldwark Bridge






October 2023

We are making good progress with the refurbishment and I can now confirm that the new timber deck has had a trial installation and fits very well. As you will notice, we are on the second phase of the bridge. The steelwork has been cleaned and we are preparing to apply the primer and paint within the next few days.


Phase three is all above the ground and should therefore be quicker than phase one and two and will not require the same level of scaffolding as you have previously seen.


We have been delayed due to technical issues regarding the application of paint which I am pleased to report has now been resolved. As I write, we are now battling with difficult weather conditions, not least the recent flooding.


We are as keen as you to open the bridge as soon as possible and we are hoping to do so in early 2024, I cannot at this stage give an exact date but will endeavour to do so in due course.


Thank you all very much for your patience and I look forward to being able to update you further before Christmas.


Best wishes

Aldwark Bridge



Ladder to the lower deck














Inside the tarpaulin before the dust settles


The new deck with some of the fixings in place

































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